Hogo API
This API was built by me as a part of my domain tool project that I have been working on.
It allows the check of availability of multiple TLD using DNS and whois while still being super fast and not abusive of the whois command or API by requesting the appropriate whois server of each TLD this API has 3 endpoints, and it was made in go lang its source code can be found here: https://github.com/AinzOwl/hogo-api
This one can be used to access a list of TLDs that the API support, as the writing of this article it supports over 2.5k TLDs and I'm working on adding more
This is the availability check endpoint where domain.com is the domain you want to check if its available or not the response is in JSON with 2 params in the following format
"Available": true / false,
"Message": "Checked By Dns" / "Checked By Whois"
the message tells which method was used to check the domain, this tool check domains first via DNS and if they have no nameservers then it checks them via whois, to limit the number of requests made to whois servers
This one responds with a JSON as well with 1 object named whois containing the whois response as plain text, I plan on adding more formatting to this so I make it more unified in the future