
How I built this blog.

Published By: EL Mehdi In August 12, 2022

Hello and welcome, Today I finished coding this website and I tought it would be a good idea sharing my process on making it and what I used for it.

The Process

At first I had a different idea on my mind for how this website will look like, i wanted to use a fixed sidebar on the left with some info and links, then on the right a section where all the pages are browsed inside of it, and I did make it and even finish the design but then I didn't like it and decided to start all over again from scratch.
And this time instead of just starting to design I searched for many blogs and portfolios and tried to inspire my design from the ones I liked oh and I dont design in a software, I kinda directly code my design so it took really a long time making the first one and then redoing it again, in total it took me like 3 days to remake this one, and even longer for the first one.

After I finished designing it I started to code, first I was thinking of using directus.io as a CMS for managing the blog but after I coded the blog section in home page and reached the article I didn't like the formatting so I scratched all that code and I started over again but this time I went with MDX since I saw many blogs use it and they look amazing so I spent like 2 days making it and tinckering around to make it look good I did know markdown, in fact my old blog that I made in php used it, but it was my frist time using MDX so I had to search and google a lot on how it works and its processor and at last I made it.
also before changing directus for MDX I worked on the small spotify icon you see at the bottom using spotify api and it was really fun to make, I really think it looks really good.

For the sinppets page its like another markdown blog but I chosen to give it a different way of listing since it serve a different purpose and I toughts a cards like style look good, the reason why I made that one is so I can post code snippets that I use or think of as handy so I can reach them anytime I want to use them and also share them with other people.

this website is not completed yet since there's still many stuff that I want to add, but I think this is enough for now and thats why I'm publishing it.