
My Domains List.

Published By: EL Mehdi In August 19, 2022

Internet has became a world and each website is like a land with a house in it, those houses might start small then grow and get new floors with time and even became a skyscraper, it might even be destroyed and rebuilt into something fancier, it might stay the same and became a historical monument, but the only thing that doesn't change is the domain, because domains are the address of those houses, and the thing that hold the most value My Domains List

I have kept this post minimal since my reason for making it is show domains I have and im interested in selling if I get a good offer, domains are an important aspect of any website especially when that website is meant to be a brand since it is the address that the user will be using to access any website, when getting domains I think and search for few hours until I find a good name that I believe it can be turned into an amazing brand

DomainUse Case
vps.questA web host
lostwallpaper.comWallpapers Website
0x.FitPerfect for developer portfolio but it fits anything due to being 2char domain

I try to keep this list updated, also all my domains can are for sale even if im using it exept this website domain, also if you need website building and branding for the domain you wanna get or for one that you already own please let me know https://ainz.tech/contact and this website is a show of my skills.